
Bookkeeping is often given a low priority. Small businesses typically face resource crunch and when one person is multi-tasking, the thought is, why spend an hour on your books when you could be closing a sale or doing billable work? Diligent bookkeeping is a useful process that can keep your business running. The importance of keeping adequate records cannot be stressed too much. Our goal is to provide small businesses the necessary tools to make better and informed financial decisions by having a clear set of financial records

  • Reduce overhead costs by 40% by outsourcing your bookkeeping with us
  • Save time and money
  • Partner with an accounting professional and get a team of experienced accountants to do your work
  • Data is based on U.S Servers
  • Daily backup of data
  • 128 bit encryption of data (Same as used by major financial institutions)
  • On-Site monitoring of data centers
  • SAS 70 Type II audit of data centers
  • Strict screening of employees at the time of hiring
  • All employees sign a non-disclosure agreement
  • Removable storage devices (Such as Floppy disks, CDs, USB drives) disallowed at workstations
  • Most important of all, you choose services to suit your needs and budget (Full charge bookkeeper, part-time bookkeeper or pay as you go model)